Inc-Intel Enterprise has a team of tax-experts that will take away a significant amount of your time spent worrying, in meetings with the taxman, documenting and submitting tax returns and making payments to the taxman. We offer the following tax related services to companies but not limited to
- Registration of Companies including Trademark registration
- Transfer Pricing
- Computation of Annual Income Tax and filing of returns
- VAT computation and Return Submissions
- Attending Board meeting, AGMs and drafting of resolutions
- PAYE management and Return Submission
- Attending meetings with the taxman on behalf of our clients
Needless to say, compliance with the regulatory authorities is a requirement world-wide, whether the company is new, small, old or otherwise, there is no running away from the requirement to comply and the bureaucratic regulations that govern companies. Without any doubt, we can agree that one of the most complex and tiresome regulatory authority is the taxman. It is also without any doubt that the reason we keep up with the taxman is more to continue trading, remain compliant with the relevant laws and regulations while making profits than it is to contribute to the government GDP. Let us help you achieve this goal.